If you have a Twibbonize account but forget your password, you can follow these steps to reset it:
Visit the Twibbonize website or app on your device.
Click on the icon in the main page's top right corner.
Click the “Log In” button.
Click “Forgot Password” located below the password input field.
Enter your registered email address in the provided field.
Click “Next” and the link to reset your password is sent to your email.
Click the "Reset Password" button in the email.
You will be directed to the password creation page. Create a new password and confirm it in the provided fields.
Once you're finished, click “Done" to save your new password.
Your password has been successfully updated. You can return to the Twibbonize main page and log in to your account using your new password.
If you do not receive the password reset email, you can try repeating steps 4 and 5 up to 5 times. If it still doesn’t work, you can contact our Help Center via email at hi@twibbonize.com.