There are several aspects you can edit or manage in your Twibbonize Profile Settings, which we have divided into four categories: Profile, Billing, Account, and Notifications. Here is a list of information along with explanations for each category in your Twibbonize Account Profile Settings:
The Profile section contains basic information about your account that helps other users identify your account. Here is the list of information displayed on your Profile that you can edit:
Profile Photo
Display Name
The Billing section includes the list and status of your Twibbonize Premium subscription transactions, along with invoices for each transaction. If you do not have a Twibbonize Premium subscription, this section will be empty.
The information in the account setting is private, meaning only you can view this information.
In the account setting, you can change your email or update your password. You can also set up your account to be connected with your social media accounts or your Google account.
You can also delete your account by clicking the “Delete Account” button in this section. To learn how to delete your Twibbonize account, read here.
In the Notifications Settings menu, you can manage which Twibbonize notifications you want to receive via email or push notifications on your account. The Account Recap is only available to users who upgrade their account to Premium Creator.