How do I Use an Incognito Browser?

Article author
Mohamad Fokkerizky
  • Updated

Via PC

  1. Open your Chrome Browser.
  2. Click the setting icon on the top right corner of your browser. Screenshot_2022-02-05_at_01.54.29.png
  3. Click New Incognito Window. Screenshot_2022-02-05_at_01.56.14.png
  4. Your Incognito window will appear.Screenshot_2022-02-05_at_01.56.57.png

Via iOS

  1. Open your Safari Browser. 

  2. Click the browser pages icon on the bottom right corner of your browser. Screenshot_2022-02-05_at_02.04.34.png

  3. Click Private on the bottom left corner of your browser.incognito_2.png

  4. Click Done.incognito_3.png

  5. Your Incognito window will appear. incognito_4.png

Via Android

  1. Open your Chrome Browser.
  2. Click the setting icon on the top right corner of your browser. incognito_5.png
  3. Click New Incognito Tab. incognito_6.png
  4. Your Incognito window will appear.

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